Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


Beauty in a SF Thought Talk

Hey soul-child,

So what is the message of the day??? BE CONFIDENT!!!!

I have had a friend that has recently dealt with some really deep issues about her body image. She felt as though she was very ugly. She couldn't stand looking in the mirror at herself, I would not stand there and listen to it anymore.

The girl is gorgeous; dimples and freckles and the 5'7-5'8 I wish I could be. So I pushed a mirror in front of her beautiful face and made her stare at herself until she found things she liked about herself. Slowly, after hours of confidence building, she smiled and declared that she was a goddess.
No matter how others around you look, never doubt that you weren't a masterpiece on the worlds canvas....

Tell me luvs, have you ever been in a situation like this, if so, how did you deal with? What would you say or do? Till next time....

Sincerely Fay,
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